Moka pouara hinge tino-ma:
● Paraire torotika i hangaia hei kawe ma, tika, tapahi i roto i te papapa, i te whakakikorua, i te rakau totoka, i te tata ki etahi mea hiato ranei.
● Te tapahi tino pai, te roa me te utu nui.
● He pai mo: He pai mo te whakamahi mo te ao.
H0209358 | HERO\45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/2*1 |
H0209278 | HERO\45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/2*1/2 |
H0209218 | HERO\45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/2*1/4 |
H0209438 | HERO\45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/2*1-1/2 |
H0209398 | HERO\45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/2*1-1/4 |
H0209378 | HERO\45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/2*1-1/8 |
H0209418 | HERO\45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/2*1-3/8 |
H0209458 | HERO\45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/2*1-5/8 |
H0209498 | HERO\45°45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/2*2 |
H0209318 | HERO\45°45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/2*3/4 |
H0209258 | HERO\45°45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/2*3/8 |
H0209238 | HERO\45°45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/2*5/16 |
H0209298 | HERO\45°45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/2*5/8 |
H0209338 | HERO\45°45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/2*7/8 |
H0209074 | HERO\45°45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/4*1/2 |
H0209014 | HERO\45°45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/4*1/4 |
H0209054 | HERO\45°45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/4*3/8 |
H0209034 | HERO\45°45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/4*5/16 |
H0209094 | HERO\45°45 Degree Chamfer Bit1/4*5/8 |
1. Q: Ko KOOCUTTOOLS wheketere he kamupene hokohoko ranei?
A: KOOCUTTOOLS he wheketere me te kamupene. Ko te kamupene matua HEROTOOLS i whakaturia i te tau 1999. Neke atu i te 200 nga kaihokohoko i te motu me nga kaihoko nui mai i Amerika Te Tai Tokerau, Tiamana, Grace, Awherika ki te Tonga, Ahia ki te Tonga me Ahia Rawhiti me etahi atu.
2. Q: Kia pehea te roa o to wa tuku?
A: Ko te tikanga he 3-5 nga ra mena kei roto nga taonga. He 15-20 nga ra mena kaore nga taonga i roto i nga taonga, Mena 2-3 nga ipu, kua tae mai ki te wa me whakaū me nga hoko.
3. Q: Kei te whakarato koe i nga tauira? He kore utu, he taapiri ranei?
A: Ae, ka taea e matou te tuku i te tauira mo te utu kore utu engari ko nga kaihoko utu kaipuke me utu e ia ano.
4. Q: He aha to tikanga utu?
A: Utu<=1000USD, 100% i mua. Utu> = 1000USD, 30% T / T i mua, toenga i mua i te tuku.
5. Q: Kei hea to maakete?
To tatou mākete te nuinga i roto i te Tonga Asia, East Euro, Russia, USA, Awherika ki te Tonga, etc.
Mena he patai ano taau, tena koa whakapiri mai ki a maatau.
Ko KOOCUT Cutting Technology (Sichuan) Co., Ltd. kua whakapumautia i te 21 o Tihema 2018. Kua haumihia te 9.4 miriona USD Te whakapaipai kua rehitatia me te moni haumi katoa e kiia ana ko 23.5 miriona USD na Sichuan Hero Woodworking New Technology Co., Ltd. (e kiia ana ko HEROTOOLS) me hoa Taiwan. Ko KOOCUT kei roto i Tianfu New District Cross-Strait Industrial Park Sichuan kawanatanga. Ko te rohe katoa o te kamupene hou KOOCUT he tata ki te 30000 mita tapawha, a ko te waahi hanga tuatahi ko te 24000 mita tapawha.
Whatiia te rohe ka anga whakamua maia! Ka piri a KOOCUT ki nga ariā o te penapena hiko, te whakaheke kai, te whakamarumaru taiao, te hanga ma, me te hanga mohio. A ka whakatauhia kia noho hei rangatira mo te otinga hangarau tapahi o te ao me te kaiwhakarato ratonga i Haina, i nga ra kei mua ka whai waahi nui taatau ki te whakatairanga i te hanga taputapu tapahi kaainga ki te mohio matatau.
I konei i KOOCUT Woodworking Tools, e tino whakahihi ana matou ki a matou hangarau me nga rawa, ka taea e matou te whakarato i nga hua utu katoa a nga kaihoko me nga ratonga tino tika.
I konei i KOOCUT, ko ta matou e ngana ana ki te tuku atu ki a koe ko te "Ratonga Pai rawa atu, He wheako pai".
Kei te tumanako matou ki to haerenga ki to maatau wheketere.